Ƶconsists of a multitude of highly qualified staff and faculty from more than 20 different nationalities around the world!

Ing. Lourdes Gabriela Daza Aramayo, Ph.D.
Founder Ƶand Founder and Director of LAC Center lourdes.aramayo@aauni.edub

Clea Boban
Director for Admissions and Student Support Student Support & Resources clea.boban@aauni.edu
Ing. Zuzana éé
Assistant Dean, Lecturer International Relations & Diplomacy zuzana.breheret@aauni.edu
Marie Burda
Director of Study Abroad International Office , Study Abroad Office marie.burda@aauni.edud

Drake Dewey
Financial Aid Counselor Student Resource Office, Student Support & Resources drake.dewey@aauni.edu
ٱřԲ Dudys
Admissions & Career Counselor Student Support & Resources, Admissions Office katerina.dudys@aauni.edue

Mgr. Zuzana Fellegi, M.A., LL.M., Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer Law, International Relations & Diplomacy zuzana.fellegi@aauni.edu
Dan Ravick Fiala, M.B.A.
Senior Lecturer dan.ravick@aauni.edu
Marketa Fillingerova
Manager of Student Experience & Engagement Department of Experience and Engagement marketa.fillingerova@aauni.edu
Brian Fonville, J.D., M.A.
Guest Lecturer brian.fonville@aauni.eduh

Ing. Hana Prosdócimo ᲹDZá, Ph.D., MBA
Lecturer, Chair of Math and CIS department hana.hajova@aauni.edu
George Hays, Ph.D.
Interim Dean of the School of International Relations and Diplomacy, Lecturer International Relations & Diplomacy george.hays@aauni.edu
Beatriz Bacarizo Herrer
Adjunct Lecturer International Relations & Diplomacy beatriz.bacarizo@aauni.edui

Joel Imhoof, M.Sc.
Lecturer, Chair of the Department of Marketing joel.imhoof@aauni.eduj

Mgr. Veronika dzԴDZá
External Outreach Manager Enrollment and Communications veronika.johanovska@aauni.eduk

PhDr. Jindřiška dzٰDZá
Process Management Specialist Office of the President , Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs , Research Office jindriska.kotrlova@aauni.edu
Natalie Kvackova-Sipula
International Cooperation Specialist/ Executive Assistant to the President International Office , Office of the President natalie.kvackova@aauni.edul

ří č첹, Ph.D.
Lecturer jiri.lahvicka@aauni.edu
Silviya Lechner, PhD
Chair of the Department of Political Science, Senior Lecturer International Relations & Diplomacy silviya.lechner@aauni.edu
JUDr. Ing. Mgr. Libor ܰáš, Ph.D.
Chair of International and European Legal Studies Department International Relations & Diplomacy libor.lukasek@aauni.edu
Su Luo
Psychological Counselor Psychological Counseling, Student Support & Resources su.luo@aauni.edum

JUDr. Radka ѲҰǰ-ʱáԴDZá, Ph.D., LL.M., M.B.A.
Senior Lecturer, Interim Laws Program Chair radka.macgregor@aauni.edu
Romana ѲDZá
Nostrification Specialist Student Support & Resources, Student Resource Office romana.markova@aauni.edu
ٱřԲ ѲٴdzšDZá
Admissions Assistant Student Support & Resources, Admissions Office katerina.matousova@aauni.edu
Gabriele Meissner, M.B.A.
Senior Lecturer gabriele.meissner@aauni.edu
Prof. Mgr. Jaroslav Miller, MA, PhD.
Former President Office of the President jaroslav.miller@aauni.edu
Doc. Ing. Štěpán ü, CSc., MBA
ƵController, Ombudsman, President Emeritus stepan.muller@aauni.edun

Petra Narwa, Mgr.
Psychological Counselor Psychological Counseling, Student Support & Resources petra.narwa@aauni.edu
Eliza Nicholson
International Recruitment Counselor Admissions and Recruitment eliza.nicholson@aauni.eduo

Richard Olehla, Ph.D.
Vice-President for Academic Quality & WASC Accreditation Liaison Officer richard.olehla@aauni.edu
Martin Opatrny
Institutional Research Specialist Admissions and Recruitment , Institutional Research Office martin.opatrny@aauni.edu
Ѳě 貹ٰý, Ph.D.
Research Fellow research@aauni.edup

Enrique Andres Martinez Paredes
Marketing & Enrollment Manager Enrollment and Communications , Marketing enrique.paredes@aauni.edus

Jeta Sahatqija, MSc.
Vice President for Student Affairs Admissions and Recruitment , Marketing jeta.sahatqija@aauni.edu
Gaziza Shakhanova, Ph.D.
Adjunct Lecturer International Relations & Diplomacy gaziza.shakhanova@aauni.edu
Ing. Marek Šdzܰ
Events Coordinator marek.sourek@aauni.edu
Joanna DZ-óɲ첹, Ph.D.
Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs joanna.skorzewska@aauni.edu
Ѳúš Šܳ
Research Fellow research@aauni.edu
Ing. Miroslav Svoboda, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Business miroslav.svoboda@aauni.eduu

ٱřԲ ř徱DZá
Admissions Counselor Admissions Office, Student Support & Resources katerina.uridilova@aauni.eduv

Mgr. Marta մDzԻáčDZá
Assistant Registrar Registrar Office, Student Support & Resources marta.vondrackova@aauni.eduy