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Graduate Nostrification Instructions

Recognition of Foreign University Education

All undergraduate and graduate degree programs at Anglo-American
University are accredited by the local accrediting body the or the (with the exception of the Law program).

In accordance with Act. No 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions, prospective students aiming to study the degree program at Anglo-American University in Prague also within the Czech accreditation must also provide a certificate of recognition of their university education completed abroad.*

Nostrification, or recognition, is a state-administered process that compares your foreign* education to Czech education on the same level in order to validate that your education is equal to it. Your education will be compared to a similar undergraduate program at a Czech state university. It is a necessary step towards enrollment in a Czech-accredited university program on a Master level.

The point of nostrification is to obtain a certificate of university diploma equivalency that we call a nostrification or recognition certificate. The certificate has the same value as a Czech bachelor’s diploma, and you need to provide it to Ƶin order to be admitted to a Czech-accredited program. By Czech law, only students with a few specific diplomas are waived from the requirement to obtain the recognition certificate in order to attend a Czech-accredited university program.

There are a few bachelor diplomas that are automatically accepted for admission in the Czech accreditation because of the existence of a bilateral agreement between the Czech Republic and the given country:

  • Czech university diploma
  • German university diploma
  • Hungarian university diploma
  • Polish university Diploma
  • Slovak university Diploma (with the exception of diplomas issued by Czech branches of Slovak universities after 28 March 2015)
  • Slovenian Master’s diploma.

Only the specific diplomas listed above are exempt from having to go through nostrification. Your citizenship is irrelevant – it only matters where you completed your education and what diploma you obtained.

*Even education completed in the Czech Republic can be considered foreign and require nostrification. If you completed your education in the Czech Republic, you are waived from the requirement if you possess a diploma from a Czech-accredited bachelor program. 

A list of all Czech state universities can be found: In , (p.18), and in Russian on the pages of or .

Additional Official Nostrification Information can be obtained from: ,

Benefits of Enrollment in the Czech Accreditation

While completing the recognition process, obtaining the recognition certificate and consequently enrolling in the Czech accredited program at AAU, in addition to the American accreditation of your program, is a choice, we recommend that you review the following benefits and consider your current and future plans to see how it would benefit you. For most students it makes sense to pursue both accreditations at AAU. To be admitted and enrolled in a Czech-accredited program at AAU, you must first complete recognition, obtain the recognition certificate and submit it to AAU.

1. Visa, Work and Student Status

For visa-seeking students

If you need a visa to enter the Czech Republic, you are eligible to apply for a long-term visa or a long-term residence permit for the purpose of study (students enrolled in the American accreditation only are required to apply for a visa or residence permit for the purpose of “other”).

If you hold a visa or a residence permit for the purpose of study, you are allowed to work in the Czech Republic during your studies (with the “other” purpose, you are not allowed to work*).

You will hold a full-time university student status in the Czech Republic, in the sense of continuous preparation for future professions (official student status determined by Czech law). If you study in an American accredited program, you are registered as a life-long learning student, not a university student in an accredited program.

*As of July 1, 2024, citizens of selected non-EU/EFTA countries are exempt from the need to hold a “STUDY” purpose residence permit in order to access the job market in Czechia, i.e. they can work even with the long-term residence permit (NOT a visa) with the purpose of “OTHER”. Further details are provided .

For Czech citizens under 26

You will hold a full-time university student status in the Czech Republic, in the sense of continuous preparation for future professions (official student status determined by Czech law). If you study in the American accredited program, you are registered as a lifelong learning student, not a university student in an accredited program. Please note that only when you are registered in the Czech accredited program and hold full student status, your social and health insurance is paid for by the Czech state.

2. Dual-Accredited Diploma

When you graduate from AAU, you will obtain a dual-accredited diploma which will make your degree widely accepted around the world, especially in the US and the European Union.

3. Work After Graduation

For visa-seeking students: If you want to stay in the Czech Republic after
graduation for work, with a diploma from a Czech-accredited program you
can apply for a 9-month job-searching visa. You also have automatic entry to
the Czech labor market.
Continuing your studies in the Czech Republic will be much smoother with a
Czech university diploma as it will be automatically accepted.

4. Accomodation Scholarship

Accommodation scholarship is awarded to students who are enrolled in the Czech accreditation and also meet other requirements.

5. Erasmus

You may also participate in the Erasmus study exchange program. To learn more about Erasmus program at Ƶvisit our Exchange Programs page.

Note for EU citizens: While the benefits of enrollment in the Czech accreditation relating to visa and access to job market in the Czech Republic are not relevant for you, the following ones still apply to you:

  • Dual-Accredited Diploma
  • Accommodation Scholarship
  • Erasmus

How can Ƶassist you with nostrification?

Ƶoffers a range of assistance to its incoming students with the process of
nostrification, such as:

  • Guide students through all the steps that begin with collecting documents to obtaining the final nostrification certificate,
  • Offer one-on-one or group online and in-person meetings to any interested students.
  • Assist students with identifying how their documents must be legalized and provide them with specific legalization instructions relating to their documents (identify specific places where they need to arrange the legalization).
  • Assist students with collecting other required documents if necessary.
  • Assist students with certified translation to Czech if required.
  • Offer representing students with the Czech authorities via the power of attorney (IMPORTANT: The offer of assistance via the power of attorney is valid for ONE nostrification application. If you decide to withdraw after submitting the application, or the application is rejected due to missing or wrong documents even after appeal, you can re-apply but Ƶwill not be able to act on your behalf anymore due to time constraints).
  • Consult unclear documents before applying with the appropriate state university.
  • Apply for recognition on students’ behalf.
  • Receive the official decisions from authorities on students’ behalf.
  • Assist students with procedures in case of application rejection and appeals.

Ƶcannot help with:

  • Documents legalization that needs to be arranged in a foreign country, 
  • Changing the decision made by the official authority as Ƶhas no say in these decisions, 
  • Covering costs of the recognition process, 
  • Nostrification in general, if you are not an incoming or current Ƶstudent – you must seek assistance in the country where you are continuing your studies, or from the institution that you are applying to. This applies also to alumni who do not continue their studies at AAU.

Cost of nostrification

AAU’s assistance with the nostrification process is part of your tuition. However, there will always be additional costs for items such as documents obtainment, document legalization and verification, shipping, possibly translation of documents, administrative fees payable to authorities. Estimated costs are described in more detail in the Frequently asked questions section at the bottom of this page.

Recognition Steps

  1. Collection of documents
  2. Legalization of documents
  3. Only for documents in languages other than Czech or English – official certified translation to Czech or English
  4. Submitting the application to the deciding authority (state university with a similar program)
  5. Receiving the decision-recognition certificate (or very rare but possible – rejection)

1. Collection of Required Documents

This is a general list of documents required for graduate nostrification.

  • Bachelor diploma or an equivalent of the diploma that is proof of the applicant’s successful completion of studies and that enables the applicant to pursue further higher education on a Master’s level – original hardcopy or notary-made copy, legalized* (and possibly translated to Czech or English afterward if required)
  • Bachelor Transcript or Diploma Supplement – original hardcopy or notary-made copy, legalized* (and possibly translated to Czech or English afterward if required)
  • Only when specifically requested: a document proving that the university that issued your diploma is recognized by the country according to whose legal framework the foreign diploma was issued as a part of the education system if this is not clearly indicated on the diploma (if the diploma is issued directly, or signed by, the state’s Education Office). In case that it is not clear from the document, please ask the Ministry of Education in your country for a certificate, letter, statement, etc. to confirm the university is authorized to operate as a university and/or to issue a diploma that is taken as a true bachelor diploma that allows you to enter a Master’s degree program. 
  • Power of Attorney form – you can choose to give power of attorney to AAU’s Nostrification Specialist if you are an incoming student, to a specialized nostrification agency, or to a friend/family member in the Czech Republic. This person will act on your behalf.
  • Application form – to be found on the website of the respective state university you apply for recognition at. If you give power of attorney to someone, they will fill in the application form on your behalf. 
  • Payment confirmation – administrative fee for graduate nostrification is 3000 CZK, to be paid according to instructions of the respective state university you apply for recognition at.

*Legalized document = original document authenticated by a notary, by an
apostille, or by a super legalization verification. The type depends on the
country that issued your document. See more below.

2. Legalization of Documents

Public documents (such as diplomas and transcripts) must be legalized in order to be valid for official purposes in the Czech Republic. Other documents can be used as originals or notary-made copies. (Please note: Some state universities have their own rules for how documents can be accepted, so they do not necessarily have to be legalized. Always check the specific requirements first). 

Legalization type always depends on the country that issued the document and the agreement it has (or doesn’t) with the Czech Republic. Unless there is an agreement on automatic acceptance of public documents between the country that issued the document and the Czech Republic, or unless the deciding university allows so, the original document will not suffice without legalization.

See the list of countries and the required legalization type . Look up the country in which your document was issued, not your citizenship.

Types of legalization: 

  1. Notary-made copy (= no further legalization necessary, you need to submit the notary-made copy, so you can keep the original) 
  2. Apostille – higher form of legalization for selected countries. Apostille is an authentication certificate verifying signatures and stamps on the original document, and attached to the original document.
  3. Superlegalization – the highest form of verification for countries with no agreement with the Czech Republic. This process takes several steps:
    1) verification of the original document by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    2) afterward verification of the original document by a Czech Embassy in the state where the document comes from

In order not to lose original documents, Ƶrecommends submitting notary verified copies of legalized originals to the Czech authorities. We recommend making a notarized copy of all documents you do not want to lose, in the Czech Republic before they are translated. The translation can be attached to the notary-made copies instead. Documents submitted for nostrification will not be returned to you if it’s successful.

3. Official Translation to Czech

All documents submitted for recognition must either be in Czech, Slovak or English, or translated to English or Czech by a certified translator.

Acceptable certified translations are made by:

  1. a registered Czech court-certified translator (in Czech “soudní překladatel”) with a stamp, or a registered certified translator to English in the country the document comes from
  2. a translator whose translation was verified by a Czech Embassy by a “verification of the correctness of the translation of a public document” sticker and stamp

Court-certified translators are mostly found in the Czech Republic. You can search for them . Below are the step-by-step instructions on how to use the portal.

  • Please select the option “Tlumočníci a překladatelé” (interpreters and translators)
  • You can then specify only translators by checking “soudní překladatel”
  • Choose “Jazyk” (language) – selecting the language from which they need to be translated
  • Choose “Praha” under “Soudní kraj” (region) to be able to see the certified court translators only in the Prague region
  • Confirm with “Vyhledat” to search through available records

Ƶcan arrange translation for incoming students and forward the invoice (translation is not paid by AAU). For this purpose we use the external company who have a network of certified translators. There is also a possibility to translate and verify the translation of the legalized documents via a representative office of the Czech Republic (an
Embassy or a Consulate).

Below you will find the instructions for the process:

  • For the purpose of foreign education recognition, the authorities in the Czech Republic will be accepting translations to Czech made abroad only if they are verified via an appropriate representative office of the Czech Republic – this process is called Verification of the correctness of the translation of a public document.
  • Do not perform any translation before you consult this matter with the representative office and are sure they can verify your translation.
  • There are different types of representative offices abroad:
    • Embassies
    • General consulates
    • Honorary consulates
  • To get information about the translation of your authenticated documents and the verification of the translation you have to identify the appropriate office for you, a list of all the representatives offices of the Czech Republic can be found .
  • Steps to follow:
    • Identify the appropriate representative office
    • Get in touch with the office and ask them to provide you with information on whether they can perform the Verification of the correctness of the translation of a public document, if they confirm it is possible inquire about where should you get the translation to Czech (some embassies have a translator on site some have external translators)
    • Example of the verified translation sticker that the representative office should stamp your documents with can be found here:
    • In case the representative office cannot perform the verification of the translation, you will not translate the documents abroad because such translation would not be valid for official purposes in the Czech Republic. Instead check the possibility of the court translation at the Czech Republic with your ƵPower of attorney representative.

4. Submitting the Application to the Deciding Authority (state university with a similar program)

When all required documents are collected, relevant documents are legalized if necessary, and everything is translated to English or Czech, if necessary, an application for recognition can be submitted. 

The authority to accept applications for recognition of bachelor/undergraduate education is the Czech state university who teaches a similar program on the same level. It is your responsibility to choose the correct university to apply at.

You can see all currently taught programs at Czech universities .

An application form is always to be found on the website of the respective state university where you will be applying for the recognition. If you are applying yourself, you will fill it in and sign it, if you gave power of attorney to another person, they may be able to fill it in and sign it on your behalf. The application form will generally require you to state your name, date of birth, contact information, your education data and information. 

The application is usually submitted via mail. Before submitting the application, or according to instructions from the deciding university, you must pay the administrative fee of 3000 CZK. 

5. Receiving the Decision-Recognition certificate (or very rare but possible – rejection)

After you submit the application, the deciding authority has usually 30-60 days to review your application and the accompanying documents. Then the recognition certificate is issued.

The recognition process is completed only when you have received the recognition certificate. The certificate will come via registered mail to the address specified in your application, or to your power of attorney representative. If you applied yourself and receive the certificate in the mail yourself, you need to bring and submit it to Ƶin order to be enrolled into the Czech-accredited program. Ƶhas to see the certificate (either the original or a notary-made copy) to be able to make the enrollment.

In case the state university cannot compare your education to any of their programs, they reject your application. You may appeal the decision and the final decision is then made by the Ministry of Education, who can issue the recognition certificate as well. 

Example of a recognition certificate

Frequently asked questions

More information

In case of any questions please contact nostrification@aauni.edu.